Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse at dictum risus, ac feugiat diam. Sed mollis ex tortor, eu tempor diam elementum quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Dave Mathews
Educated at Chinhoyi High School and Prince Edward School and earned a degree in Economics at Rhodes University. Joined government in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, where he received a thorough grounding in the workings of the economy. Joined Nedlaw Investment and Trust Corporation in 1979 and quickly found a niche in Project Management. Was responsible for the complete re-engineering of Artmail into the leading stationery manufacturer in Zimbabwe. In 1988, was transferred to Mutare Board and Paper Mills as General Manager and was responsible for the complete upgrade of the plant. Became Managing Director of Dunlop Zimbabwe Limited in 1996 and again was responsible for re-engineering the company to meet current market demand. Pursued a lifelong interest in renewable energy resources in 2008, specifically solar and is currently a director and shareholder in Sunergy (Pvt) Ltd.

Francis Madari
Qualified as Electrical and Electronic Engineer in the UK (Huddersfield) in 1980. Worked for Thorn Brimar (EMI Group) in Chadderton Manchester in the research and development section as Special Test engineer till returning to Zimbabwe. Joined Lever Brothers Pvt Ltd as Instrumentation and Control Engineer. Joined Art Corporation as Electrical Engineer at Mutare Board and Paper Mills until being promoted to the position of General Manager and moving to the head office in Harare where he worked until 2000. He left Art Corporation to pursue personal business in the manufacturing industry as a consultant and project manager. Joined Sunergy as director and partner in 2016.

Theresa (Teri) Grimmel
An Insolvency Practitioner by profession, Teri is a non-executive director of the company. Previously Director of Corporate Recovery with KPMG Chartered Accountants, she now runs her own practice handling liquidations, judicial managements and deceased estates.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur sea adipiscing elit. Sed tempus diamet nisl quis ornarod vivamus sem luctus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur sea adipiscing elit. Sed tempus diamet nisl quis ornarod vivamus sem luctus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur sea adipiscing elit. Sed tempus diamet nisl quis ornarod vivamus sem luctus.